Administration - Performance
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Configuring Performance Cycles

TIP: Performance Cycles are highly configurable. Depending on the needs of your organization, you may choose to use some, all, or none of the options available within Inspire when configuring your cycles. 


1. Navigate to Administration > Cycle Management > Cycles.
2. Select “Add Cycle”.

Overview of "Add Cycle" Sections

Complete each section applicable to your new performance cycle. If you need more information, please refer to the help article link(s) included in each section for more details about that section.

Cycle Section

Detailed Help articles: Setting Performance Cycle Dates, Cycle Details & Steps 

Add Cycle - Cycle banner-1

Enter Cycle Details

Enter a unique title, start and end dates for the entire cycle, and a description. If Mid-Cycle Comments are needed, check the box to enable them; the default is off. The Assessment/Appraisal Summary is on by default. 

Add Cycle - Cycle - Cycle Details section-2

Enter Performance Agreement Dates

Enable this section using the toggle, if needed. Within the Performance Agreement section select an end date. Start dates for this section are based on the cycle start date. Enable Agreement Editing is checked on by default. Check the box if you want to Enable Employee & Supervisor to Select Competencies.

Add Cycle - Cycle - Cycle Steps - 1 - PA - 2

Enter 1-1 Execution Dates

Enable this section using the toggle, if needed. Within the 1-1 Execution section, select and end date. (Start dates for this section are based on the agreement end date.)

Enter Self-Assessment Date

Enable this section using the toggle, if needed. Within the Self-Assessment section select an end date. (Start dates for this section are based on the execution end date.)

Enter Appraisal Dates

Enable this section using the toggle, if needed. Within the Appraisal section notice that the start and end dates are set automatically. (Start and end dates for this section are based on the self-assessment and cycle end dates.)

Sub-Categories Section

Detailed Help article: Setting up Sub-Categories

Add Cycle - Sub-Categories banner

HR Sub-Categories

Toggle HR  Sub-Categories, if needed. Enter HR Sub-Categories to be used for Competencies or Shared Measure within the performance cycle.

Add Cycle - Sub-Categories page - HR

Objectives Sub-Categories

Toggle Objectives Sub-Categories, if needed. Enter Objective Sub-Categories to be used within the performance cycle.  

Add Cycle - Sub-Categories page - Objective

Questionnaire & Guidelines Section

Detailed Help article: Questionnaire & Guidelines

Add Cycle - Questionnaire and Guidelines banner

Questionnaire & Guidelines

Enable Questionnaire and/or Guidelines sections using the toggles, if needed. Add any questions and/or guidelines for the cycle. Guidelines are listed below questions and are set up the same way. Check the Required box for any questions or guidelines required to be completed on the appraisal.  

Cycle - Qu GU - Quest

Add Cycle - Qu Gu - Gu example

Grades Section

Detailed Help article: Grades, Set Up Graded Performance Cycle Sections

Add Cycle - Banner - Grades

Use the toggle for each section to enable grading, by section, for Objectives, Competencies, Shared Measures, and Values. Use the Grade Scale dropdowns to select the appropriate grading scales per section. Select competencies and values for the cycle. Associate role groups with competencies, if applicable. If no graded sections are enabled, you may also choose to disable "Grade Sheet" so this is not displayed for users in the self assessment and appraisal steps.

Note: If your Organization does not utilize Grades and you would like your employees to still write comments. For each section - Set up a grade scale with only one grade and add a Title. 

Ex: The Title in this example is Comment and is selected Automatically since there is only 1 Grade title. 

360 Feedback (optional)

Detailed Help article: 360s Feedback

Add Cycle - Banner - 360s

Use the toggle to enable 360 feedback. 360 feedback requires the Self Assessment phase already be enabled. Enable direct reports and/or peers to provide feedback, indicate if the feedback is required, determine the number (if any) of required responses, and set the required feedback items for the evaluators to provide feedback.  


Detailed Help article: Weighting in a cycle

Add Cycle - Banner - Weighting-2

Use the toggle to enable Weighting within the cycle. All users NOT in weighted groups will be weighted evenly for all performance categories. Add Category Weighted Groups, if desired, to establish different weighting scales for separate groups. 


Detailed Help article: Participants

Add Cycle - Banner - Participants

Select users to be in the performance cycle. Search for and manage users and cycle due dates. Since Dynamic and Static groups are set up in Group Management, groups need to be defined before adding to a weighting group. Add the participants for this Performance Cycle. If using weighted groups, assign users from the weighted groups. 

_Participants - Assign participants in cycle weighted groups

Activate - Cycle Management / Cycles

Detailed Help article: Activating the Cycle  

View the Cycles list, select the available cycle, ensure dates are accurate, and set the cycle to Active. Activating the cycle will also trigger enabled Performance Cycle Notifications for the cycle.

    Cycle Mgmt - Cycles - Cycles page