Administration - Performance
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Set Up Graded Performance Cycle Sections

Performance Administrators can set up performance cycles. Performance cycles consist of a variety of graded and ungraded sections. This article provides instructions on how to set up graded sections within a performance cycle.

Navigation to Performance Cycle Administration 

  • Navigate to Administration > Cycle Management > Cycles
  • Select "Add Cycle" to create a new cycle


Complete Cycle Details and Step Configuration

  • Enter a cycle title.
  • Define the start and end date for the cycle.
  • Enable or disable cycle steps and define applicable start and end dates.


Review Graded Sections

  • Select "Grades" from the edit cycle navigation menu.
  • Scroll down to view and enable or disable all applicable sections.

Setting Up Graded Sections

  • Scroll to any of the graded sections (other than Objectives): "Competencies, Assessment Questionnaire, Shared Measures or Values". Objectives has limited capabilities and can only be enabled or disabled and grades can be applied.
  • Select Enable Section for Competencies, Assessment Questionnaire, Shared Measures or Values.
  • Select "Add+"
  • A new item is added 
  • Enter a title and description for the new item
  • Select "Save" for the cycle being edited.

Tip: The intent of the Assessment Questionnaire is to create a section of questions to  support 360 assessments within an organization.

Note: Competencies and the Assessment Questionnaire sections of the cycle setup provide the ability to add behaviors and assign specific groups to access specific competencies or assessment questions.


Graded Sections Overview


  • A graded cycle selection that can be enabled or disabled and can have a grade scale applied.

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  • A graded cycle selection that can be enabled or disabled and can have a grade scale applied.
  • Custom Competencies can be added to this section.
  • Assigned Groups can be associated with each competency to limit access to certain competencies. If no group is assigned, the competency will be available to all participants. 
  • Behaviors can be associated with each competency for grading.

Assessment Questionnaire

  • A graded cycle selection that can be enabled or disabled and can have a grade scale applied.
  • Custom Assessment Questions can be added to this section.
  • Behaviors can be associated with each competency for grading. Adding a behavior is a good way for an organization to grade specific criteria for each competency. 
  • Assigned Groups can be associated with each question to limit access to certain questions. If no group is assigned, the competency will be available to all participants. 

Shared Measures

  • A graded cycle selection that can be enabled or disabled and can have a grade scale applied.
  • Custom Shared Measures can be added to this section. Shared Measures are a good way for an organization to grade company initiatives. 


  • A graded cycle selection that can be enabled or disabled and can have a grade scale applied.
  • Custom Values can be added to this section.
  • As an Admin- you can add your Company Values within Admin-Settings-Manage Values

Note: If your Organization does not utilize Grades and you would like your employees to still write comments. For each section -Set up a grade scale with only one grade and add a Title. 

Ex: The Title in this example is Comment and is selected Automatically since there is only 1 Grade title.