FAQ: What's the difference between Following or Monitoring an Inspire User's objective?

What's the difference?

Following an objective or person (Inspire Best Practice):

  • Allows you to see the objective and key results, but not add/change/delete anything.
  • You are not a contributor to the objective or key results associated with the objective.
  • Followed objectives appear in the Social tab on the My Profile page. 
  • Followed objectives also appear in the Objectives I Follow tab in the Objectives module.

Monitoring an objective: 

  • Maintains your ownership of the objective.
  • Allows you, as the objective owner, to make changes to the objective and key result(s) including add/change/delete.
  • The objective appears in the Objective Activity Widget on your home page.


Please refer to FAQ: Following Someone's Objective or FAQ: How to Monitor another Inspire user's objectives for more information.