FAQ: How to Monitor a Team Objective

Things to know about monitoring a team objective: 

  • Only an objective owner can monitor and make changes to the objective and associated key result(s).
  • The objective appears in the Objective Activity Widget on your Homepage and in My Objectives in the Objectives module.
  • An owner monitoring an objective will not contribute to the objective's progress. 
  • Team objective progress will be updated by contributors only.

How to Monitor a Team Objective

Please refer to the article Creating Objectives and Team Objectives if you need assistance creating an objective or adding key results to the objective. 

1. Create the Objective and add Key Result(s).

2. Add contributor(s) to your key result(s), and then remove yourself as a key result contributor. 

Note: To monitor a team objective with no key results, select the Options link at the top of the Edit Objective page, open Manage Contributors & Metrics, add the contributor(s), then click the ellipsis by your name and remove yourself.


3. Publish the objective.

Note: As the objective owner, if you assign objective ownership to another contributor without adding yourself as a contributor, you will be removed from the team objective.