FAQ: Following Someone's Objective

You can follow a fellow Inspire user's public objectives to see how or what they are doing on their objectives, or you can monitor a user's progress on an objective (and key result) within an objective you own. 

How to follow another Inspire user's objectives

     Set up following an user's objective

     See objectives you are following

     See a complete list of all objectives or people you are following

     Unfollow a user or specific objective

How to FOLLOW another Inspire user's objectives

A. Set up following a user's objective 

TIP: You can select a single objective, as shown below, or select a person if you'd like to follow that person and see all of their objectives. This is useful for team members who want to follow one another's work. 

1.  Enter the user's name in the Search field at the top of the Inspire page. The search returns People and Objectives which meet your search criteria. 

2. Select the objective (or person) you want to follow.  

3. The objective you've selected opens. In the upper right corner, select Follow.

4. The objective now shows Following. Select Close.

NOTE: The person receives a notification any time you follow or unfollow an objective or a person.

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B. See objectives you are following

1. Select the Objectives dropdown.

2. Select Objectives I Follow

3. The Objectives I Follow page opens, and you can now see objectives you have chosen to follow.


C. See a complete list of all objectives or people you are following

Objectives and users you are following appear on My Profile in the Social tab.

1.  Select your profile picture in the upper right corner, then select My Profile.

2.  The My Profile page opens. Select the Social tab, then select Following. The left column displays users you are following and the right column displays objectives you are following.

D. Unfollow a user or specific objective

1. Follow the steps in C. (above) to see the complete list of objectives and users you follow.

2. Select Unfollow for the users or objectives you want to unfollow. 

REMINDER: The person receives a notification any time you follow or unfollow an objective or a person.

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