
Newsfeed Widget

Stay up to date with your coworker's OKRs by viewing the Newsfeed on your homepage.

Note: If you do not see a Newsfeed Widget on your Home Page. Click the Pencil icon in the upper right corner of Inspire 

Select the Green + and select a column to place the widget into 1,2 or 3. 

Navigate to the Pencil Icon in the upper right corner of Inspire

The Newsfeed provides a chronological feed of your coworkers' check-ins. You are able to easily Reply or Comment on any check-in, as well as Recognize or Nudge an individual for their OKR's progress.

Filter the Newsfeed by clicking the button in the upper-right corner of the widget. 

Note: All Public Objective Check-Ins will post to the Newsfeed. If you have an Objective that is Private- Updates will not post to the newsfeed. 

Reference this Help Article for questions on how to set an Objective to Private: Objective Visibility and Image

Click on any profile icon from the newsfeed widget, and see a pop up profile for that user. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to support@inspiresoftware.com.