FAQ: What to do when an employee leaves



1. Redeem all Recognition Points

The redemption points belong to the employee and are theirs to redeem.  Work with HR to get recognition points redeemed for the employee:

NOTE:  HR should be aware that points redeemed over a certain level may be considered taxable income. For example, recognition amounts awarded in excess of $50 within a calendar year in certain States is considered taxable income.  The Company's payroll or Accounting department would have more information on this if it is needed.

Option A (Best Practice) - During the off-boarding process, HR should work with the person to have the person redeem all of their points available for redemption in Inspire, thereby transferring all of their points for reward redemption outside of the Inspire system to the redemption rewards catalog. Once the points have been redeemed from Inspire, the points are then available to the employee through the Redemption catalog. Points in the Redemption catalog never expire.

HR should have the person enter their personal email as part of the redemption process instead of using their company email, since the person will likely no longer have access to the employee email account when they leave.  The redemption email will go to the email address the employee uses or provides. 

Option B - Convert the points to a VISA debit card and send to the employee.

NOTE: The points that an employee has been AWARDED are available for redemption.  Points that have been provided to the employee to award other people are NOT available for redemption and will be returned to the Redemption Program when the employee's Inspire account is archived. 

3. If utilizing Linked Objectives and or Key Results and the Linked Owner is Archived or leaves the organization

If an employee who has Linked Key Results to their Key Result and or Objective leaves the company- here is what we would recommend.

The employee who is going to be the new source of truth- recreate OKR- add any progress from the archived user

Any employees who are linked to the archived employee- would need to unlink their Key Result and relink to the new Owner

**Best Practice- If you are able to do these steps before the employee leaves the company:

Admins can impersonate if needed.

Add a new owner to the Objective - (The new owner will need to be added as a contributor if they are not already)

Remove the existing owner from the OKR- This will transfer ownership - then the new Owner would need to update progress.

This article explains Reassigning Team Objective Ownership: 


**If you do nothing- the linked Key Results will not be able to be updated.

4. Archive the employee

Archiving the employee's Inspire account will maintain any contributions the individual has made to aligned objectives and will maintain accurate reporting of progress on Team Objectives and Corporate Key Results to which the employee may have been contributing.