Discover updates and insights on the status of your company's strategy. Create scheduled cadences of email notifications for a Strategy Narratives.
Note: While all users can view existing subscription narratives, only Administrators and Corporate Strategy Administrators can create or edit a Strategy Narrative Subscription.
Navigate to Strategy Narrative Subscriptions
Click the modules menu button in the top right of the screen, and then select Corporate Strategy from the Objectives drop-down menu.
Open the desired strategy and click the Strategy Narrative button towards the top right of the page.
Navigate to the Subscriptions tab on the Strategy Narrative side panel, then click "Add New Subscription."
Creating a New Strategy Narrative Subscription
Note: The limit of subscriptions you can create per strategy is 5.
When adding a Subscription or editing an existing one, you can:
- Set the cadence
- Month: select the week/day it's sent (For example, every Month on the 1st Tuesday)
- Week: select the number of weeks and day (title) it's sent (For example, every 2 weeks on Monday)
- Set the subscription availability
- Open (visible to all users / all users can subscribe)
- Closed (visible to assigned group only / not all users can subscribe)
- Assign a group of recipients
- Group assigned receives narrative on set cadence without having to subscribe
- You can also view the group and view members in the group
Note: The Subscription will inherit the current strategy filters when subscription is saved.
You can set the filter(s) for a Strategy Narrative Subscription in the same window for adding/editing a Subscription below the schedule cadence settings. When setting the filter(s), you have the options to:
- Enable/disable a high-level summary per corporate objective: When enabled, the narrative will include a progress summary statement for each Corporate Objective. When disabled, the narrative will only include KR progress updates.
- Enable/disable a Check-in Summary: When enabled, for each corporate objective, a bulleted list of flagged check-ins will display to highlight specific wins, setbacks, or initiatives.
- Select type(s) of check-ins to include: The default is set to all types selected. The multi-select filter will allow you to select or deselect Wins, Setbacks, and/or Initiatives. At least one flag must be included.
Additionally, you have more settings to select or de-select Corporate Objectives you want included in the Subscription.
The default filter is all items selected.
Upon saving the Subscription, the Strategy Narrative will be sent via email to all Subscribers on your scheduled cadence. See when the next notification will run in the Edit Subscription window directly below the schedule cadence settings.
Here is an example of how the Strategy Narrative Subscription email notification will appear:
For instructions on viewing a Subscription Narrative and how to join/subscribe to existing subscriptions, read this article: View or Join Strategy Narrative Subscriptions
How to Run a Subscription Narrative on the Same Day as Creation
If you just created a Subscription and want the first email notification to be sent on the same day, there are a few steps to complete, as the Job Scheduler in Inspire runs at 12am PST every night to schedule all Narrative Subscription notifications for the following day.
- For example: if today is the first Friday of the month and you want your Subscription Narrative to run once per month, you will need to set the Subscription to run Monthly, every 1 Month, on the First Friday.
- After choosing the desired filter(s) and saving the Subscription, navigate to Administration > Utilities > Job Scheduler.
- Next, find the NarrativeSubscriptionJob in the list of Scheduled and Running Jobs and click the Play icon on the far right of the screen.
If you have any trouble using Strategy Narrative Subscriptions in Inspire, please reach out to