A talent cycle must be created in order to start leveraging the Talent module within Inspire
Creating a Talent cycle
- Navigate to Administration > Performance > Talent > Cycles.
- Add Cycle: Select "Add Talent Cycle" from the default display.
- Cycle Fields: Enter a Cycle Title and duration for the cycle.
- Group Assessment Selection: Select a group to assign grading for the cycle. By default users with "HR Admin" permissions within your organizations instance of Inspire are allowed to assess grading. For more information on group setup view this article.
- Grading Perspectives: Define the grading perspectives that are apart of the cycle. By default each new cycle is pre-loaded with a "Performance Grading Perspective" and a "Potential Grading Perspective". You may add as many grading perspectives or grades as necessary but at least two must be in place to make the cycle valid.
- Perspective Title: The title of the perspectives can be customized to align with your organizations approach to grading.
- Grading Scales: Within a grading perspective you can select or create a new grading scale that will be used when making assessments.
Talent Visibility: The Talent module is only available to users that have been assigned assessment responsibilities within a Talent cycle and HR Admins.
Given a user is in a Grading Group for a talent cycle and is not an HR Admin, when that user is viewing the Talent module (Assess tab or 9 box tab), their visibility will be limited to users in their hierarchy (direct reports and indirect reports).
Activating a Talent Cycle
Talent cycles remain in draft mode by default and must be activated to begin making assessments. The following are the steps to activate a cycle and definitions of the various status's a Talent cycle can be in.
- Access the Cycle: Navigate to the Talent Cycle Administration page and select the status dropdown for the cycle to activate.
- Activate the Cycle: Select "Activate" from the status dropdown to set the cycle to active so that assessments can begin. The following are definitions of each status:
- Draft: Talent cycle that is in work and not yet available for assessments.
- Active: Talent cycle that is in use for making current assessments.
- Published: Talent cycle that has concluded, all assessments are locked.
- Archived: Talent cycles that are out of date or not relevant.
Tip: Use the Talent cycle filter within the administration display focus on cycles with a specific status.