
Talent Cycle 9-Box Visualization

The 9-Box visualization tool within the Talent module provides quick insight to how employees are being assessed within a Talent cycle.

Accessing the Talent Module 9-Box

  1. Navigate to Talent > 9-Box
  2. Select a talent cycle from the dropdown in the top right of the interface to get started.

Talent Visibility: The Talent module is only available to users that have been assigned assessment responsibilities within a Talent cycle and HR Admins. 

Given a user is in a Grading Group for a talent cycle and is not an HR Admin, when that user is viewing the Talent module (Assess tab or 9 box tab), their visibility will be limited to users in their hierarchy (direct reports and indirect reports).

Evaluating the 9-Box

  1. Overview: The 9-Box display may differ from organization to organization based on how the Talent cycles have been setup with grading. Traditionally the 9-Box is comprised of a "Performance" and "Potential" grading perspective on the X or Y axis. Each grading perspective has three grades and as employees are assessed they manifest on the 9-Box in one of the 9 quadrants based on these grades.
  2. Value: The 9-Box visualization tool helps organize employees into groups of assessments based on the perspectives that have been assessed. This visualization provides leaders and assessors quick insight into how employees have been assessed and the percentage of employees with low or high potential/performance ratings.

Using the 9-Box

  1. Select Cycle: The 9-Box visualization adjusts based on the selected Talent cycle.
  2. Display Features: Quickly toggle the X and Y access of the 9-Box using the grading perspective dropdowns provided or search for a specific employee.
  3. View Employee Assessment Details: Selecting any employee within the 9-Box will expand a details panel for that employee to expose grading and comments for each grading perspective in the Talent cycle.
    1. Edit Assessments: Assessors can make edits to the employee assessments within the details panel by selecting "+ Assessment".
    2. Switch Employees: Quickly switch between employees by selecting the employees name from the details panel or the previous and next arrows provided on hover.
    3. View Grading Perspective Grading Descriptions: Access the grading descriptions for any grading perspective by selecting the "eye" icon next to the grade indicator.
    4. View Performance Appraisals: If your organization is leveraging the Inspire performance module a link will display within the details panel to view recent performance appraisals and inform assessments.