Initial Setup

Progress Customization

The Progress Customization screen allows Corporate Administrators the ability to set the expected Objective Progress Threshold.


Note: You must have Administrator or Corporate Strategy Administrator Permissions to set expected progress thresholds. 

**Progress Calculation for OKRs are based on Expected Progress today not on Overall Completion. 

For Example: If the Expected Progress today is 10% (based on the start and due dates)- the employee would show green at 9% or higher, yellow at 8% or higher. 

To Edit/ Change the Default Progress Values- Navigate to Administration - Objective - Settings - Progress Customization

The Progress Customization page will open, displaying the default values for progress customization. 

Note: Only Administrators can edit the Progress thresholds. 

Objective Completion / Success Threshold (Upon achieving the defined percentage all objectives will display as green or successful. 

Expected Objective Progress Threshold- this range determines when a user updates progress if the progress indicator will turn Green, Yellow or Red. 

Aspirational Objective Progress Thresholds -(Corporate Strategy Only) -An Aspirational OKR is an OKR that one strives to complete in a given time period but it may not be attainable. Therefore, Aspirational OKRs typically have a lower expected progress threshold.

Note: Aspirational OKRs are only available on Corporate Key Results on the Corporate Strategy in Inspire. 


On the Corporate Strategy- Aspirational Key Results are indicated with a purple line. 


FAQ: Why is my OKR progress showing green when my progress is 80%?  I was expecting to see yellow for 80%?

Answer: Progress is calculated by the Expected Progress today.  

Example: The Start and Due dates for the below OKR is: Jan 1 to November 29th 2024. 

Today's Expected Progress is 30.63%. Since the progress is above the 30.63% - The progress shows Green. 

If the progress is changed to 25% - since the expected progress is 30.63% , 25% is lower so the progress color is yellow. 

If you have any questions on Progress Customization, please do not hesitate to reach out to Inspire support at