FAQ: Managing Your 1-1 Settings

Managing your 1-1 settings

The general 1-1 settings can be accessed by selecting the gear icon in the 1-1 module. You can manage your 1-1 View Settings and 1-1 Sharing Options from here.

1-1 Lottie Settings

Manager/Supervisor 1-1 Settings

If a Manager/Supervisor would like to see their Direct Reports Direct Report's 1-1 (Objectives/Tasks etc.)

Click on Status 

Click Select a person

Click the carrot icon to show all of the Direct Reports under each person.  

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By Clicking on the Direct Report's Direct Report- You are able to view their 1-1 and see any Objectives/Tasks or conversations that employee has. 

1-1 View Settings

Group By Planned/UnplannedPrevious Week Tasks, and Task Details are turned on by default. You may toggle these options off if you wish. Best practice is to leave the settings defaulted on.

1-1 Settings-1

Grouped By Planned/Unplanned 

When toggled on, Grouped By Planned/Unplanned groups your objectives as either Planned or Unplanned based upon the date range you've selected for display and whether there are any tasks assigned within that specific date range. 

1-1 View Settings - Planned and Unplanned

When toggled off, Grouped By Planned/Unplanned groups solely based on Objectives and Roles. Your objectives, whether planned or unplanned within the specified date range, are all grouped together and your Roles are grouped together. 

1-1 View Settings - Obj and Roles

Previous Week Tasks

When toggled on, Previous Week Tasks displays tasks from the previous week 

1-1 View Settings - Last Week Tasks ON


 1-1 Sharing Options

You can share your 1-1 with others by selecting Share 1-1. Enter the name(s) with whom you wish to share your 1-1, add an optional message, and click Save.

Share 1-1

If you change your mind about sharing your 1-1 you can manage your sharing preferences by selecting Manage Sharing.

Manage Sharing takes you to the Social tab within your Profile page. On the left, you see the list of names with whom you've chosen to share your 1-1. On the right, you see the list of names who've chosen to share their 1-1 with you.  

Managed Shared 1-1s - profi;e page

If a Supervisor would like to view their Direct Report's Direct Reports 1-1: 

  • Navigate to the 1-1 Module
  • Status- Select a Person- Direct Reports
  • Click the carrot icon to show all Direct Reports under each person 

Screens screenshot of a computer

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