FAQ: Turning a Recognition Program Off

When you create a new Recognition Program, the default is that the program is on and ready to be used by employees. To turn a Recognition Program off, follow the steps below.

Navigating to Recognition Programs 

Click the Modules menu in the navigation bar at the top of the page, and select Administration.

Admin Module

In the Recognition section, click Awards to expand the menu and then select Programs.


Turning off a Program

Click the Edit (pencil icon) to open the Program you would like to turn off.

Turn off Recognition Programs

At the top of the page, click the toggle switch to disable Active

Rec program - deactivate

Click Save. Employees will no longer have the ability to use the Recognition Program.

Note:  When you turn a Recognition Program off, employees will no longer be able to give awards associated with this program.

If an employee has received an award associated with this program before it is turned off, it will still display on their Recognition Wall.