
FAQ: Do Automated Service Awards need to be reset at the end of each year?

Automated Service Awards need to be re-set at the end of each year to ensure awards continue to be sent out.

Note: If your Organization utilizes Automated Service Awards, the budget needs to be re-set at the end of each year for awards to continue to be sent. This process will need to be completed even if you are not utilizing points. 

If your organization has an Automated Service Award Program set up (Points or No Points) Please follow the steps below to re-set the Program: 

Navigate to Administration - Recognition - Points - Budget

Click Create Budget at the top right of the screen. 

Enter a Budget Title and Budget Total. 

Note: If your Service Award program does not include awards with points, leave the budget total at zero. 

Open the draft budget by clicking the Budget Title

Click + Add points allocation. 

Enter the following point allocation group details:

  • Point Category: Select Service Award from the drop-down menu.
  • Group Name: Enter a name for the point allocation group. This is only visible to Administrators.
  • Award Program: Select a Service Award program from the drop-down menu. 
  • Start and End Date: Enter a start and end date for the budget.

Click Save when finished. 

Click the ellipsis ... in the Actions column for the newly created point allocation group, then select Assign All Eligible Users to Allocation to quickly add all users scheduled to receive awards based on the selected program. 

Click Publish Budget when finished. 


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to