How to Use Slack with Inspire

Inspire integrates with the third-party cloud-based application Slack. Slack is a chat application used for communication and sharing using private messaging and channels for group discussions.

Inspire for Slack integration allows licensed Inspire users to interact with the Inspire web application to view, check-in and edit their objectives as well as manage tasks and get notified of Inspire events and actions from with Slack.

You can set up integration for third-party applications like Slack by using the Integrations tab on your User Profile.  

NOTE: This article assumes that the Slack application is installed. If that is not the case, please reach out to your Slack administrator to request an invitation to Slack.


Topics covered:

Navigating to your User Profile

Understanding Your Integrations Tab

Steps to Set Up Integration Between Inspire and Slack

Navigating Inspire within Slack

Navigating to Your User Profile

1. Click your Profile Image at the top right of the Inspire screen.


2. Click My Profile myProfileButton.

3. Your User Profile page will open to the Public tab. Your personal details will display on every tab of your User Profile.


NOTE: More detailed information about your User Profile and the associated tabs can be found in Understanding Your User Profile.

Understanding Your Integrations Tab

Some third-party applications require a Personal Access Token to properly configure integration between the third-party application and Inspire. Personal Access Tokens for Inspire-approved applications are generated from your Integrations tab within your Inspire User Profile.

This Personal Access Token is unique to your instance of Inspire and is designed to allow for the seamless integration between the specific application and your Inspire data.

1. Click on the Integration 0904 - Slack - Integration tab  tab.

0828 Integrations tab on User Profile-1

Steps to Set Up Integration Between Inspire and Slack

1. From the Integration tab, click on Create a Personal Access Token 0831 Slack - Create a Personal Access Token button  next to Slack.

0828 Integrations tab on User Profile-1

2. The Personal Access Token is created. Click the Copy 0831 Slack Copy to Clipboard icon icon to copy the token to the clipboard.

0831 SLack Integration Token generation-1

3. Click Add to Slack 0831 Slack - Add to Slack button  button.


4.  The Slack permissions screen opens. Click the Allow 0831 - Slack - Add to Slack - Slack Allow button  button.

0831 Slack - permissions screen

TIP:  Depending on other integrations you may or may not have with Inspire or other applications within your environment,  you may see an Open Slack notification window open during this step. If so, click the Open Slack  0831 - Slack - Open Slack button button.  

0831 - Slack - Allow - Open Slack message

5. The Welcome to Inspire for Slack message opens within Slack. Click Setup 0831 - Slack - in Slack - Setup Inspire in Slack button .

 0831 - Slack - Opened - Welcome message 

 6. The Inspire Setup page opens. Paste the token you saved to the clipboard in Step 2 into the Inspire Access Token field,  and click Save 0831 - Slack - Inspire Setup IN Slack - Inspire Access Token - SAVE button .

0831 - Slack - Inspire Setup IN Slack - Inspire Access Token-1

Inspire and Slack are now integrated! Slack is open and you can now interact with Inspire from within Slack. 

0831 - Slack - Inspire Integrated Into Slack SUCCESS

NOTE: Your initial Inspire screen in Slack may look different than the example above.

Navigating Inspire Within Slack

1. The three Inspire tabs within Slack are Home, Messages, and About

0904 - Slack - Slack Inspire - Home tab-1

2. You can select the Inspire content with which you want to interact.

0904 - Slack - Slack Inspire - Home tab - Select

A. Click the drop down arrow on Select Item to View. 

0904 - Slack - Slack Inspire - Home - Select Item to View DropdownB. Make a selection.

0904 - Slack - Slack Inspire - Home - Select Item to View Dropdown List

3. Use the Messages tab to view recent messages.

0904 - Slack - Messages tab